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Published Journal Articles: 

***Bold indicates Peng's group members***




[44] Multisectoral Emission Impacts of Electric Vehicle Transition in China and India A Sharma, W Peng, J Urpelainen, H Dai, P Purohit, F Wagner. Environmental Science & Technology. 58 (44), 2024


[43] Viewpoint: Catalyzing Climate Solutions through Energy and Carbon Education B Logan, M Rahimi, L Li, L Winter, W Peng, B Robinson. Environmental Science & Technology. 58 (46), 2024


[42] Designing Retirement Strategies for Coal-Fired Power Plants To Mitigate Air Pollution and Health Impacts  C. Campos, E Pakhtigian,  J Landry, H Wiseman, A Pham, W Peng. Environmental Science & Technology. 58 (35), 2024​


[41] Simulating Institutional Heterogeneity in Sustainability Science. M.R. Davidson, T Filatova, W Peng, L Verbeek & F Kucuksayacigil. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(8), e2215674121. 2024




[40] Neutralizing China’s Transportation Sector Requires Combined Decarbonization Efforts from Power and Hydrogen Supply. Y.R. Fang, W Peng, J Urpelainen, M.S. Hossain, Y Qin, T Ma, M Ren, X Liu, S Zhang, C Huang, H Dai. Applied Energy, 349.  2023.


[39] Multi-Dimensional and Region-Specific Planning for Coal Retirements.  N Maamoun, R Kennedy, W Peng, D D'souza, M Gray, S Lavelle, L Chau, N González-Jiménez, V Ehrenheim, M Joseph & J Urpelainen. iScience, 26. 2023.


[38] Effects of Global Climate Mitigation on Regional Air Quality and Health.  X Huang, V Srikrishnan, J Lamontagne, K Keller & W Peng.  Nature Sustainability. 2023.


[37] Equity Implications of Electric Vehicles: A Systematic Review on the Spatial Distribution of Emissions, Air Pollution, and Health Impacts.  A Sharma, J Shiwang, A Lee & W Peng.  Environmental Research Letters, 18.  2023.


[36] Narrowing Fossil Fuel Consumption in the Indian Road Transport Sector Towards Reaching Carbon Neutrality. M S Hossain, Y R Fang, T Ma, C Huang, W Peng, J Urpelainen, C Hebbale & H Dai. Energy Policy, 172. 2023.




[35] Feasible Climate Mitigation. P Stern, T Dietz, K Nielsen, W Peng, M Vandenbergh. Nature Climate Change, 13, 6-8. 2022.


[34] Impact of socio-demographic trends on the future health burden of air pollution. Nature Sustainability. 2022.


[33] Socio-demographic factors shaping the future global health burden from air pollution. H Yang, X Huang, D.M. Westervelt, L Horowitz, & W Peng. Nature Sustainability. 2022.


[32] Integrating Air Quality and Health Considerations into Power Sector Decarbonization Strategies.  W Peng and Y Ou.  Environ. Res. Lett.  2022. 17 081002 




[31] Climate action with revenue recycling has benefits for poverty, inequality and well-being. M Budolfson, F Dennig, Fkson, S Feindt, M Ferranna, M Fleurbaey, D Klenert, U Kornek, K Kuruc, A Méjean, W Peng, N Scovronick, D Spears, F Wagner & S Zuber. Nature Climate Change. 2021. 11: 1111-1116


[30] Protecting the poor with a carbon tax and equal per capita dividend. M Budolfson, F Dennig, Fkson, S Feindt, M Ferranna, M Fleurbaey, D Klenert, U Kornek, K Kuruc, A Méjean, W Peng, N Scovronick, D Spears, F Wagner & S Zuber. Nature Climate Change. 2021.


[29] To achieve deep cuts in US emissions, state-driven policy is only slightly more expensive than nationally uniform policy. W Peng, G Iyer, M Binsted, J Marlon, L Clarke, J A Edmonds, & D G Victor. Nature Climate Change. 2021.


[28] Emissions and Health Implications of Pennsylvania's Entry into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. H Yang, A T Pham, J R Landry, S A Blumsack, and W Peng. Environmental Science and Technology. 2021.


[27] The surprisingly inexpensive cost of state-driven emission control strategiesW Peng, G Iyer, M Binsted, J Marlon, L Clarke, J A Edmonds, D G Victor. Nature Climate Change. 2021.


[26] Incorporating political-feasibility concerns into the assessment of India's clean-air policies. W Peng, S E Kim, P Purohit, J Urpelainen, F Wagner. One Earth. 2021.


[25] U.S.–China Collaboration is Vital to Global Plans for a Healthy Environment and Sustainable Development. M Xu, G T Daigger,  C Xi, ..., W Peng, et al. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021.


[24] Climate policy models need to get real about people - here's how.  W Peng, G Iyer, V Boseti, V Chaturvedi, J Edmonds, A Fawcett, S Hallegatte, D Victor, D van Vuuren, J Weyant. Nature. 2021


[23] The importance of health co-benefits under different climate policy cooperation frameworks.  N Scovronick, D Anthoff, F Dennig, F Errickson, M Ferranna, W Peng, D Spears, F Wagner, M Budolfson. Environmental Research Letters, 2021, 16(5).


[22] Opportunities for household energy on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in line with United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Zhuang, MH, X Lu, W Peng, YF Wan, JX Wang, CP Nielsen, MB McElroy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2021, 144().


[21] Clean air actions in China, PM2.5 exposure, and household medical expenditures: A quasi-experimental study. Xue, T., T Zhu, W Peng, TJ Guan, YX Zheng, GN Geng, Q Zhang (2021). PLOS Medicine. 2021.




[20] Trade-offs for equitable climate policy assessedW Peng (2020). Nature588:225-226


[19] Energy Use for Electricity Generation Requires an Assessment more Directly Relevant to Climate Change. Logan, B., R Rossi, G Baek, L Shi, J O’Connor, W Peng. ACS Energy Letters. 2020, 5(11).


[18] The Critical Role of Policy Enforcement in Achieving Health, Air Quality and Climate Benefits from India’s Clean Electricity Transition. Peng, W., HC Dai, H Guo, P Purohit, J Urpelainen, F Wagner, YZ Wu, HL Zhang. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54(19).


[17] Potential Uses of Coal Methane in China and Associated Benefits for Air Quality, Health and Climate. Zhang, MY, S Jordaan, W Peng, Q Zhang, SM Miller. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54(19).


[16] Enabling a Rapid and Just Transition Away from Coal in China. He, G., J Lin, Y Zhang, WH Zhang, G Larangeria, C Zhang, W Peng, MZ Liu, FZ Yang. One Earth. 2020, 3(2).


[15] Cross-State Air Pollution Transport Calls For More Centralization in India’s Environmental Federalism. Du, XM, H Guo, HL Zhang, W Peng, J Urpelainen. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2020, 11(10).


[14] An Ultra-low Emission Coal Power Fleet for Cleaner but not Hotter Air. Jin, YN, W Peng, J Urpelainen. Environmental Research Letters. 2020, 15(9).




[13] The Impact of Health Co-benefits on Evaluations of Global Climate Policy. Scovronick, N., M Budolfson, F Dennig, F Errickson, M Fleurbaey, W Peng, RH Socolow, D Spears, F Wagner. Nature Communications. 2019, 10(2095). 


[12] Gasification of Coal and Biomass: A Net Carbon-Negative Power Source for Environment-Friendly Electricity Generation in China. Lu, X., L Cao, HK Wang, W Peng, J Xing, SX Wang, SY Cai, B Shen, Q Yang, CP Nielsen, MB McElroy. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 2019, 116(17).




[11] Managing China’s Coal Power Plants for Multiple Environmental ObjectivesPeng, W., F Wagner, MV Ramana, HB Zhai, MJ Small, C Dalin, X Zhang, DL Mauzerall. Nature Sustainability. 2018, 1:693-701.


[10] Air Quality-Carbon-Water Synergies and Tradeoffs in China’s Natural Gas Industry. Qin, Y., L Hoglund-Isaksson, E Byers, KS Feng, F Wagner, W Peng, DL Mauzerall. Nature Sustainability. 2018, 1:505-511


[9] Climate, Air Quality and Human Health Benefits of Various Solar Photovoltaic Development Scenarios in China in 2030. Yang, JN., XY Li, W Peng, F Wagner, DL Mauzerall. Environmental Research Letters. 2018, 13(6)


[8] Potential Co-benefits of Electrification for Air Quality, Health and CO2 Mitigation in 2030 China. Peng, W., JN Yang, X Lu, DL Mauzerall. Applied Energy. 2018, 218:511-519




[7] Reduction of Solar Photovoltaic Resources Due to Air Pollution in China. Li, XY., F Wagner, W Peng, JN Yang, DL Mauzerall (2017). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2017, 114(45).


[6] Substantial Air Quality and Climate Co-Benefits Achievable Now with Sectoral Mitigation Strategies in China. Peng, W., JN Yang, F Wagner, DL Mauzerall (2017). Science of the Total Environment. 598:1076-1084


[5] Air Quality and Climate Benefits of Long-distance Electricity Transmission in China. Peng, W., JH Yuan, Y Zhao, MY Lin, Q Zhang, DG Victor, DL Mauzerall (2017). Environmental Research Letters. 12(6).


[4] Air Quality, Health and Climate Implications of China’s Synthetic Natural Gas Development. Qin, Y., F Wagner, NC Scovronick, W Peng, JN Yang, T Zhu, KR Smith, DL Mauzerall (2017). Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 114(19).


2016 and Before


[3] Air Pollutant Emissions from Chinese Households: A Major and Underappreciated Ambient Pollution Source. Liu, J., DL Mauzerall, Q Chen, Q Zhang, Y Song, W Peng, Z Klimont, XH Qiu, SQ Zhang, M Hu, WL Lin, KR Smith, T Zhu. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 2016, 113(28).


[2] Challenges Faced by China Compared with the U.S. in Developing Wind Power. Lu, X., MB McElroy, W Peng, SY Liu, CP Nielsen, HK Wang. Nature Energy. 2016, 1(16061).


[1] Association Between Changes in Air Pollution and Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Children Before and During the Beijing Olympics. Lin, WW., T Zhu, T Xue, W Peng, B Brunekreef, U Gehring, W Huang, M Hu, YH Zhang, XY Tang. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2015, 181(8).

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters:


Peng, W, ZM Mao, MR Davidson. Chapters on “Promoting Large-Scale Deployment and Integration of Renewable Electricity” and “Coordinating Strategies to Reduce Air Pollution and Carbon Emissions in China” in an edited volume on Foundations for a Low Carbon Energy System in China. Edited by D. Schrag and H. Lee. Cambridge University Press. December 2021

Popular Writing and Policy Reports: 


Managing China’s Coal-dominated Power System for Air Pollution, Water and Climate Objectives. Policy Brief, Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy, Johns Hopkins University. January 2020.


China’s Silver Bullet: Can the Transmission Grid Solve China’s Problems. New Security Beat, China Environment Forum, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. October 2017.


Fusion Energy via Magnetic Confinement: An Energy Technology Distillate. Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Princeton University. May 2016


China Energy Outlook (English Version). Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission, Beijing, China. Jun 2014.


Opportunities for Mitigation of Methane Emissions in China. Policy report submitted to Global Methane Initiative, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Jan 2013.

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