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We are looking for postdocs, PhD students and research assistants! Women and members of historically underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Postdoc (Open for 2025 start date)

We are looking for one postdoctoral scholar (or more senior research associates) to contribute to one or both of our group's main projects:


(1) Political Economy in Integrated Assessment Modeling (PE-IAM): Incorporate political economy insights into energy system modeling to better represent social and political realities;


(2) Health Effects of Deep Decarbonization (HEALED): Identify features of energy strategies that can yield robust health benefits given deep future uncertainties.


If you are interested to apply, below are two open opportunities:

  • Postdoc positions in my group (LINK)

  • Distinguished postdoctoral fellowships by the Andlinger Center for which I can serve as the faculty mentor (LINK; closed for 2024-25 cycle).


Researchers with relevant modeling expertise (e.g., energy system modeling, integrated assessment modeling, air quality modeling) are particularly encouraged to apply.


Feel free to reach out ( if you are interested in any of these positions or if you have questions on which one(s) might be a better fit.

Visiting students
(1 opening)

While we currently don't have funding for visiting positions, we would be happy to support your application and host your visit through Princeton's visiting student programs.


In particular, we are looking for 1-2 visiting students with the following expertise:


i) Robust decision making under uncertainties;

ii) Energy system modeling and/or bottom-up integrated assessment modeling.


Through the visit, we hope to develop and conduct collaborative projects in line with the two main research areas of our group described under Postdoc/Phd sections:


If interested, please reach out to Dr. Peng (, including the following information: a) your academic CV including information of your advisor(s), b) a brief summary of your collaborative research ideas, c) how these ideas might contribute to the two main research areas of our group.

PhD (Open for Fall 25)

We hope to recruit one PhD student with full funding support (tuition + stipend) to start in Fall 2025. The candidates are expected to contribute to one of our group's main projects: 


(1) Political Economy in Integrated Assessment Modeling (PE-IAM): Incorporate political economy insights into energy system modeling to better represent social and political realities;


(2) Health Effects of Deep Decarbonization (HEALED): Identify features of energy strategies that can yield robust health benefits given deep future uncertainties.


I will primarily recruit through the Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy program in the School of Public and International Affairs (LINK).  If you are more interested in the PhD programs in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, I can also recruit as an associated faculty of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (LINK). Please write to me for more information.


Students with strong quantitative backgrounds and interest in policy applications are particularly encouraged to apply. ​


Applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Peng before applying ( Please include the following information in the email: a) your academic CV, b) a brief summary of your research experience and skills, c) how would you contribute to these projects and the group.

Master and Undergraduate

If you are a Princeton student with good quantitative background, are excited by research, and interested to learn new skills, we would be eager to bring you on board for our ongoing projects in 2023-2024 academic year.

  • Please familiarize yourself with some of the projects we have completed in the past to get an idea of the type of work we do.

  • Please send Dr. Peng an email with a one-page memo summarizing your research interests and the skills you have/hope to learn.

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